PPC Landing Page Best Practices: The Secret to Effective Digital Marketing
In the world of digital marketing, a landing page is created specifically for marketing or advertising purposes. It’s where a visitor ends up after they click on a link in an email or an advert on Google, Bing, Amazon, or Yandex search engines.
Even though they’re also just regular web pages that typically encourage visitors to explore, landing pages are designed with a single focus in mind: driving visitors to the call-to-action – or CTA, for short.
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
The Importance Of Visual Content In Your Advertising Campaigns
Have you ever been in a hurry to buy a product you’ve never used before? Imagine yourself in front of a shelf stuffed from top to bottom with very similar products. The clock’s ticking and you need to decide as fast as possible. What do you pick?
The one who’s visuals stand out the most, I reckon. But why is that?
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
PPC Marketing: Die 5 wichtigsten Faktoren für erfolgreiche PPC-Werbekampagnen
Gut aufgesetzte PPC-Kampagnen gehören zur Marketingstrategie so ziemlich jedes Werbetreibenden. Sie wirken sich sowohl auf die Anzahl der Conversions als auch auf den Umsatz eines Unternehmens aus. Eine schlecht aufgesetzte oder verwaltete PPC-Werbekampagne kann mehr Schaden anrichten als gar keine Werbekampagne, weil sie unter Umständen viel mehr kostet, als sie einbringt.
Es gibt viele Elemente, die angepasst werden müssen, um die Performance deiner PPC-Kampagnen zu maximieren. Eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen deines PPC Marketings ist daher die stetige Optimierung deiner PPC Ads.
Es gibt dafür leider keine Patentlösung, die für alle Unternehmen gleichermaßen gut funktioniert. Aber es gibt einige allgemeine Taktiken, die so ziemlich überall dazu beitragen, die Performance von PPC-Kampagnen zu optimieren – ganz gleich, in welcher Branche man tätig ist.
Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Taktiken, die du für dein PPC Marketing anwenden kannst.
Geschätzte Lesezeit: 7 Minuten
How To Optimize Paid Search Campaigns in 5 Steps
A well-executed PPC campaign is an essential part of an advertiser’s overall marketing strategy. It impacts both the number of conversions and a business’ revenue. Having poorly managed ad campaigns can do more damage than not having one at all, as sometimes it costs more than what it brings in.
There are many layers that need to be adjusted to maximize the outcome of your campaigns. Of course, one of the most critical layers is optimization, which is a requirement for any PPC advertising campaign.
There might be no silver bullet, or one size fits all; however, there are several basic tactics that help optimize PPC campaigns consistently, no matter what industry you’re in.
Here are some of the most important ones to keep in mind.
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Keywords for PPC: Short Guide
Think of how many times you’ve used the internet just today. Be it to check your social media profiles, watch some Youtube videos, or look something up; you have probably used it more than ten times.
Now, with this in mind, we can probably understand how SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns became so important. People will use a search engine (be it Google, Bing, Amazon, etc.) to find the thing that they need. Search engines have evolved to the point that they can offer internet users the best possible search results, by taking multiple factors into account.
One of the predominant factors that search engines use is keywords. But what exactly are keywords, and how do they influence the optimization process?
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
How To Increase Sales on Amazon and Avoid 5 Critical Mistakes
It is highly profitable to sell and advertise your products on Amazon, whether you have your online shop or not.
But while Amazon offers plenty of possibilities, it also brings a lot of competition. To help you stay on top of the game and win against your competitors, we will explain top 5 mistakes to your attention so that you can avoid them when you’re launching a new advertising campaign on Amazon.
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes