eBay Promoted Listings Advanced: The Ultimate Guide

How To Drive More Traffic and Sales to Your Listings With eBay’s New Advertising Solution?

While most eBay sellers are already familiar with the Promoted Listings Standard (PLS) campaign type, the new auction-based advertising option Promoted Listings Advanced (PLA) is still uncharted territory for many.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll explain the differences between PLS and PLA campaigns and dive deeper into how exactly PLA campaigns work.

Furthermore, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a PLA campaign on eBay as well as suggestions for campaign optimization.

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

ebay promoted listings

On average, sponsored products on eCommerce platforms see 2x more sales than non-sponsored products. With its eBay Promoted Listings Portfolio, eBay offers sellers different advertising solutions to increase their listings’ visibility and reach by ensuring they are shown to more potential buyers.

1. Promoted Listings Standard vs. Promoted Listings Advanced

eBay introduced Promoted Listings Advanced towards the end of 2021 in order to complement the original Promoted Listings Standard campaigns and to make the eBay marketplaces more competitive with other platforms that offer PPC-based marketing solutions (PPC = Pay Per Click).

So, while both campaign types are very useful and it is beneficial for sellers to use them in parallel to increase the visibility of their products on eBay, there are some key differences:

Promoted Listings StandardPromoted Listings Advanced
Pricing ModelPay-per-Sale
(sellers pay a fixed fee when a purchase takes place after their ad was clicked)
(sellers pay for each click on their ad, based on the bid they placed)
TargetingNoneKeyword Targeting
PlacementAcross eBay
(e.g. search, listing pages)
Top slot in search results
BenefitsHighest coverage,
easy & fast to set up,
low risk
Highest visibility,
targeting options to reach highly-relevant and willing-to-buy shoppers,
enhanced budget controls

Both campaign types can be combined by sellers to maximize coverage and results on eBay.

2. How Does Promoted Listings Advanced Work?

Promoted Listings Advanced is a pay-per-click, auction-based advertising solution where sellers bid against each other on keywords to win the top slot of eBay’s respective search results page.

While sellers have little control over where their ads appear on eBay with PLS campaigns, they can bid strategically on relevant keywords with PLA campaigns to make sure their listings appear at the top when buyers search for their products.

Now, let’s take a closer look at how exactly keyword selection, bidding, and auctions work for PLA Campaigns on eBay.

Pay-per-Click (PPC)

Pay-per-Click (also referred to as Cost-per-Click) is a common advertising model used on many media, eCommerce and advertising platforms (like Amazon Ads, Google Ads, Facebook etc.) to drive traffic to a website, shop or product details page.

In this model, advertisers/sellers pay for every click on their ad, regardless of whether it leads to a purchase or not.


In a PLA campaign on eBay, sellers define a daily budget – the maximum amount they are willing to pay per day. Once their daily budget has been reached, the campaign will stop showing ads until the next day.

However, if the ads do not get enough clicks and the daily budget is not spent, it will not be carried over to the next day.

Targeting & Bidding

Targeting in eBay’s PLA campaigns is based on a selection of keywords. Sellers define the keywords for which their ads should be displayed in eBay’s search results.

In order to make the best use of their budget, sellers can also set negative keywords for which they do not want their ads to be displayed. Negative keywords are search terms that sellers consider less relevant for their listing or that they think are less likely to lead to a purchase.

For each targeted keyword, eBay sellers set a bid – the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a click on their listing’s ad. eBay will consider these bids for the auction for the top position in the search results, and the sellers will never be charged more than the maximum bid they’ve set.


To determine which eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ad is shown to shoppers and how much a seller pays for a click on his ad, eBay uses a second price auction system. Different sellers place a bid on a certain keyword and the seller with the highest bid can win the auction.

The amount the winning seller has to pay for a click on their ad will then range between their and the second highest bid – but never more than their maximum bid for the keyword. However, just setting a high bid doesn’t necessarily guarantee that a seller will win the auction.

In order to ensure a good buyer experience, eBay also considers factors such as listing quality, relevancy, competition, and more, in determining who will win the auction.

3. Step-by-Step Guide

How To Create a Promoted Listings Advanced Campaign on eBay

1. Open the eBay Seller Hub.

2. Click the “Marketing” tab.

3. Then click “Create new campaign”.

4. Choose the “ADVANCED option”.

5. Now set your campaign details.

  • Name your campaign
  • Set your daily budget (the maximum amount you are willing to pay per day)
  • Set the start and end date of the campaign.

6. Create an ad group and name it.

7. Add listings to your ad group.

  • You can now use different filters or enter item IDs to select listings for your ad group.

8. Add and exclude keywords.

  • On the “Suggested” tab, you can add keywords that eBay has determined to be relevant and likely to perform well (based on the frequency in recent searches and the relevance for the listings in your ad group). If you want to add your own custom keywords, click the “Add your own” tab.
  • Exclude keywords in the tab “Negative”. This prevents your ads from showing up in less relevant searches that are similar to your keywords, but less likely to result in a purchase.

When adding or excluding keywords, you have to select a keyword match type. eBay currently provides the following match types for targeting:

9. Set keyword bids.

  • Set the bids for your keywords (the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click on your listing’s ad). eBay provides you with suggested bids and bid ranges based on the estimated likelihood of appearing in search results.

10. Choose your bidding strategy.

  • You can choose your bidding strategy in the drop-down menu. Once you have made a selection, you can manually adjust the bidding strategy for any keyword.

11. Click the “Launch” button to publish your PLA campaign.

4. Optimizing Promoted Listings Advanced Campaigns

How To Improve the Performance of Promoted Listings Advanced Campaigns

To optimize the performance of their PLA campaigns, eBay sellers have several options. They should especially focus on the optimization of their product listings and always keep an eye on the performance of their campaigns in order to refine the keyword selection and adjust bids regularly.

To ensure they always target the right keywords and set the most efficient bids, eBay sellers can also use a PPC optimization software like Adspert to automatically optimize their PLA campaigns 24/7.

Listing Optimization

Since eBay also takes quality factors into account during the auction for PLA Ads, sellers should optimize their listings for Best Match to increase their chances of winning an auction.

Campaign Monitoring

Under the “Marketing” tab of the Advertising Dashboard, eBay sellers can monitor the campaign performance and download reports for their PLA campaigns, such as:

  • Campaign report (providing a holistic view on the campaign performance), a keyword report (providing metrics for each targeted keyword)
  • Listing report (providing data for each listing in the campaign)
  • Search query report (with a full breakdown of buyer search queries that the ads appeared for)

Sellers can leverage these reports to evaluate the performance of their keywords and bids, and make adjustments to use their budget more efficiently.

When evaluating the performance of your PLA campaign, you should especially focus on these Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Impressions
    The number of views a Promoted Listings Advanced ad received.
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
    The amount they paid for a shopper’s click on their ad.
  • Click-through-rate (CTR)
    The number of clicks on the ad divided by Impressions (views) in percent. Or in other words: the percentage of times shoppers saw the eBay Promoted Listings Advanced ad and clicked on it.
  • Conversion Rate
    When a shopper purchased a product after clicking on the ad, this is considered a “Conversion”. The Conversion Rate is the number of sales resulting from the campaign divided by the number of clicks on the ads in percent. The Conversion Rate indicates how well-targeted the campaign is, how interesting the ad is to shoppers, and how attractive the offer/listing is to them.
  • Return on advertising spend (ROAS)
    The revenue generated by the campaign divided by the cost of the campaign.

PPC Optimization Software for eBay PLA

eBay Ads optimization tool

Continuously monitoring, analyzing and adjusting PPC campaigns can get quite time-consuming. PPC Optimization Tools can help improve the results of Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns by constantly tracking the performance of various parameters and automatically making the necessary adjustments in time.

We use artificial intelligence with algorithmic bidding to automatically identify good and poor performing keywords and adjust their bids accordingly to maximize the campaign’s efficiency.

We also use the so-called keyword refinement and suggests new promising keywords. You can then review these keywords or let our smart AI automatically transfer them to their PLA campaigns to increase the performance.

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